Check out the brand-new MoneyPen interface with a FREE TRIAL! |
MoneyPen has just launched a brand new interface designed to cut down your administrative time even more. We're really pleased with how it's looking, and would love for you to check it out!
All you have to do is sign up for our free trial, and we've made it as easy as possible with our streamlined sign-up and brand new "getting started" checklist.
You'll be up and running quickly. We can even populate your demo with sample data so you can see exactly how MoneyPen works.
There's never been a better time to try out MoneyPen - sign up TODAY!

Learn where your digital business data is stored with MoneyPen. |
Clients often ask us where MoneyPen stores business data. Is it secure? Is there any chance of foul play?
In this video, Rob tells you all about the extensive security precautions designed to protect your data.
To learn more, click the video below.

See a demonstration of MoneyPen for Mobile Workers. |
In past newsletters, you've learned how MoneyPen can make it simple for Mobile Workers to loop in with home base, cutting down on estimating and invoicing time, and simplifying business administration.
But what do Mobile Workers need to take full advantage of MoneyPen? Is it special technology? Is there a learning curve?
In this video, Rob shows you the very simple elements you need to use MoneyPen in the field!
To learn more, click the video below.

Can we customise MoneyPen to meet our business structure? |
Different companies have different challenges, and that’s why MoneyPen is a very flexible solution that can be customised to fit many business structures.
In this video, Rob teaches you how MoneyPen can be customised to the specific needs of your business.
To learn more, click the video below.

Business Tips and Tricks: Finding new business through service calls. |
As a businessperson, you know it's often much more cost effective to do new work for existing clients, rather than advertising for brand new clients.
In this month's Trade Secrets blog, we take a look at service calls. Service calls can be a great way of getting new business from an existing client – but it needs to be done right, or you risk coming off as too sales focused.

Questions and Answers: |
Q: Do I have to enter data via my phone?
A: Most people don't like having to fiddle with phones to type text, so MoneyPen's mobile phone interface avoids using text entry wherever possible. MoneyPen does not need tradies to use their phone's web browser for day to day tasks, but if you need access to some advanced features (such as self-service job scheduling for ad hoc service calls), you can perform almost all tasks by clicking a link or selecting from a menu. It's simple and designed for those ''with big thumbs' that don't use phones for SMS or internet access often. |

To view past issues of our newsletter, please click here.